All members of the Club Committee are expected to attend the meetings that are held every 6 weeks or so, as well as take on actions and responsibilities for the roles they have volunteered to do.



  • Lead on forming a team so that all the officer and committee positions are filled;
  • Provide leadership to the team on all aspects of the club from training to competition, fundraising and social activities;
  • Manage the efficient running of meetings (including AGM’s and EGM’s); confirm agenda items and approve minutes in conjunction with the secretary and chair management committee meetings, emergency committee meetings and special/annual general meetings;
  • Act as a point of contact for the club;
  • Answer day to day club correspondence (by email or letters);
  • Lead the creation of the club development plan;
  • Endeavour to ensure the club is represented at local meetings, such as club network and county meetings;
  • Attend any sub-committee meetings if they concern policy;
  • Prepare the annual general report with the support of the club secretary.
  • Ensure an inclusive approach throughout to ensure disabled people are integrated in everything we do.



  • Prepare meeting agendas in consultation with the Chair;
  • Circulate agendas and any supporting papers;
  • Receive suggested agenda items from other committee members;
  • Check that a quorum is present;
  • Ensure arrangements for meetings are met (booking the room, arranging for equipment and refreshments;
  • Minute meetings and circulate the draft minutes to all committee members and issue finalised minutes to committee members (including on website);
  • Act as a point of contact for the club;
  • Answer day to day club correspondence (by email or letters);
  • Receive and pass on to Committee, notifications from EA and other associations as applicable;
  • Highlight and advise Chair of any issues/correspondence which needs Chair and Committee consideration;
  • Check that committee members have carried out action(s) agreed;
  • Circulate agendas and minutes of the annual general meeting (AGM) and any special or extraordinary general meetings in agreement with the Chair.
  • Ensure up-to-date records are kept of committee membership;
  • Lead on the updating of the club’s Clubmark assessment or similar.



  • Oversee and present budgets, accounts and financial statements;
  • Ensure that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place;
  • Ensure any recommendations of the auditors/person checking the clubs bank accounts are implemented;
  • Make a presentation of the accounts at the annual general meeting (AGM);
  • Advise on the club’s savings accounts;
  • Advise on the club’s membership & sessions fees for each year at Committee in association with the Membership Secretary;
  • Advise on any fundraising strategy in association with the Fundraising and Social Events Co-ordinator);
  • Liaise with the Membership Secretary on Membership & EA registration payments;
  • Pay bills/receive money for all club finance transactions – bank money & monitor bank accounts (using online banking where appropriate);
  • Act as principle liaison with the club’s bank;


Welfare & Safeguarding Officer

  • Lead on all things related to Welfare and Safeguarding;
  • Advise and support the club officers and committee to implement welfare policies and procedures and to support the club to adhere to codes of conduct and good practice;
  • Ensure that all club coaches/helpers/volunteers have completed a volunteer reference form or complied with a volunteer recruitment process and assist in this process as appropriate and to ensure that all coaches/officials/volunteers have completed DBS where needed;
  • Respond to suspected breaches of the Welfare Policies and Procedures that may be referred to them, in accordance with the Welfare Procedures and, to advise and support other club officers or committee members how to respond appropriately in accordance with the Procedures;
  • Report any concerns about child abuse to local children’s social care services or police immediately. (If the Welfare Officer is not available, the person with concerns should report the matter to the local children’s services or police themselves);
  • Report any concerns about child abuse to both the UKA Welfare Officer and the EA Welfare Officer and inform them what action has been taken.
  • Laisse with the EA Welfare Officer about any concerns regarding misconduct which is not child abuse;
  • Attend Safeguarding and Protecting Children Training and Time to Listen Training for Club Welfare Officers;
  • Prepare and update training venue Risk Assessments as necessary;
  • In association with appropriate co-ordinators/coaches/ parent liaison officer, promote (and if necessary update) the club codes of conduct (e.g. Junior/Adult members, coaches).


Membership Secretary

  • Lead on all things related to Membership and EA registration;
  • Manage everything to do with memberships, including types, subscriptions, renewals and income;
  • Take the lead on promoting new membership;
  • Keep the membership database/register up to date and secure;
  • Ensure member contact details can be accessed in an emergency at training sessions;
  • Provide a register (names only) at training sessions to monitor member attendance;
  • Ensure membership fees are paid and records kept (in association with the treasurer);
  • Send information and fees for registered members to England Athletics;
  • Provide the Head Coach with information on members;
  • Ensure any medical conditions that have been raised through the membership forms are passed on to relevant coaches on a need to know basis (section D on Membership Form);
  • Ensure any photographic/video preferences raised through the membership forms are shared with the Marketing, Promotion, Publicity and Website Co-ordinator (section F on the membership form).


Marketing, Promotion, Publicity and Website Co-ordinator

  • Lead on all things related to Marketing, Promotion, Publicity and Website;
  • Raise the profile of the club to internal and external audiences;
  • Maximise awareness of the club’s achievements and activities through all sources of the media (including the local press);
  • Oversee internal channels of communication (e.g., club weekly newsletter, email, website, BBH Facebook group, BBH WhatsApp, BBH Instagram);
  • Write or procure from others, accurate reports on competitions and good news stories including all relevant details for social media, club newsletter;
  • Update Website information as appropriate;
  • Create/procure a secure area for members information on the website;
  • Procure and update as necessary, promotional material (banners, flyers, cards etc.);
  • Form a MPPW team if thought necessary.


Club Kit Co-ordinator

  • Lead on all things related to Club Kit;
  • Liaise with appropriate kit supplier to procure club kit;
  • Promote the use of club kit by members;
  • Where appropriate suggest additions to the club kit range;
  • Maintain/Update on-line ordering of club kit by members;
  • Liaise with the treasures on any necessary Club Kit payments.


Facilities & Equipment Co-ordinator

  • Lead on all things related to Facilities Hire and Equipment;
  • Procure/book all weekly and one-off training venues;
  • Procure appropriate club equipment (in liaison with the Head Coach, Sportshall/Quadkids Co-ordinator and Treasurer).


Fundraising & Social Events Co-ordinator

  • Lead on all things related to Fundraising and Social Events;
  • Plan and organise fundraising events for the club;
  • Complete fundraising applications;
  • Collect fundraising money and pass it in to the treasurer;
  • Monitor and accurately record the success of fundraising activities;
  • Form a fundraising project team if necessary;
  • Seek sponsorship opportunities;
  • Arrange social events as appropriate (e.g. Christmas Parties, Awards Evenings).


Road & Trail Running Co-ordinator

  • Lead on all things related to Road and Trial Running;
  • Encourage members to get their friends to try running;
  • Encourage club runners to enter events (e.g., Parkruns, 5-mile races, 10k’s, Half Marathons, Marathons);
  • Encourage club runners to join club teams (e.g., Ekiden Relays);
  • Encourage runners to enter club runs (VMR and July Club Race at SJL);
  • Recognise achievements and make these know to club members;
  • Maintain a motivating presence, in person (at training nights, events) and via social media:
  • In conjunction with Head Coach, maintain the ‘Road Running standards’ and update annually the ‘Road Running Records and prepare Awards;
  • In conjunction with the Head Coach, consider promoting ‘Beginners Running’ courses annually.


Head Coach & Fixtures

  • Lead on all things related to coaching and develop a Club Coaching Team;
  • Be the first point of contact for all other club coaches;
  • Represent the coaching team at Committee Meetings:
  • Disseminate technical knowledge and advise on good coaching practice (including codes of conduct);
  • Liaise with other club coaches (including through regular Coaches Meetings) to ensure quality coaching is taking place to drive up standards;
  • Prepare, advise and co-ordinate the generic weekly club training plan;
  • Promote/encourage appropriate club members to consider a coaching role through a recognised coaching EA course;
  • Liaise with England Athletics’ National Coach Mentors (NCMs) and Club and Coach Support Officers (CCSOs);
  • Liaise with the club committee, coaches and Road & Trail Coordinator to ensure that teams are entered in the appropriate leagues and inter-club events (e.g., Ekiden, Suffolk Winter League XC);
  • Liaise with coaches, coaching assistants, and the Sportshall & Quadkids Co-ordinator to ensure that junior club members enter local running and athletic competitions (e.g., Junior Ekiden, Gt Yarmouth Meets and EYAL;
  • Produce the fixtures list at the start of each season for inclusion on the website by the MPPW co-ordinator;
  • Encourage individual entries for County and Club championship events;
  • Organise ‘Beginner Running’ courses in partnership with other coaches and the Road and Trail Running Co-ordinator.


Athletics & Cross Country Running Co-ordinator

  • Lead on all matters relating to Athletics and Cross Country Running;
  • Promote competition entry (including County and Schools) by athletes;
  • Organise teams for Suffolk Winter League XC and other relevant competitions (e.g., Nationals);
  • Ensure training is appropriate and liaise with the Head Coach as needed;
  • Liaise with other clubs to promote entry into appropriate athletics leagues (e.g. EYAL)


Sportshall & Quadkids Co-ordinator

  • Lead on all matters related to Sportshall and Quadkids;
  • Undertake appropriate training to the role, (e.g. Safeguarding and Protecting Children training/DBS) (possibly Coaching Assistant if time permits);
  • Answer general Sportshall & Quadkids queries for the club;
  • Act as key point of contact for Sportshall & Quadkids athletes;
  • Promote and if appropriate organise teams for competitions;
  • Report any relevant feedback from junior athletes, coaches and parents/carers to committee (in association with the Parent Liaison Co-ordinator) ;
  • Liaise with Sportshall and Quadkids leaders in other local clubs, networks or County Associations;
  • Assist at the club’s Sportshall Sessions when available;
  • Advise Facilities Co-ordinator on any special equipment needed.


Parent Liaison Co-ordinator

  • As necessary to report to the club committee (or Chair if urgent) on any relevant issues raised by parents that need to be discussed/resolved (e.g. session suitability, bullying, behaviour);
  • Feedback information to parents about the club and its wish to provide fun, informative junior sessions (e.g., special coaching sessions, Sportshall sessions, junior athletics and running events);
  • Cultivate interest in the club activities from parents;
  • With the Welfare Officers, promote the Junior ‘Code of Conduct’ for use at sessions;
  • Promote parent help with the club training ‘helper rotas’.


Competitions & Race Organiser (Appointed as required)

  • Race Director appointed as necessary for an event;
  • Gather helpers as necessary to manage, organise and run events.