Club Membership – membership runs annually from 1st April to 31st March

2023/2024 Membership Fee’s are:

£10 Adult

£5 Junior U18/Full time student U21

£10 Family – children only

£15 Family – 1 adult & children

£25 Family – 2 adults & children

£5 Associate e.g. Coach/Committee member


  • Club Membership and optional EA Registration is now online (using LoveAdmin below);
  • If you are undecided about EA Registration (see benefits of registering below).
  • The annual membership fees have not altered for the last 9 years.
  • The membership fee is relatively small (see above) and will give you access to regular club updates, access to the club members Facebook page (which has more detailed information about sessions and events) and member discounts on popular running products.

Benefits of Affiliation to England Athletics

For those of you who compete fairly regularly there are advantages to becoming a  registered athlete with England Athletics (see link to EA website which outlines the benefits – For Competition Runners with 1st claim at Harriers, the EA Registration Fee is £17 (as charged by England Athletics for this forthcoming year). If you wish to do so you need to register through the club (it cannot be done directly to EA).


BBAHC Membership from 1st April 2023 to end of 31st March 2024

As you are probably aware, BBHAC membership usually runs from 1st April to 31st March of the following year.

‘LoveAdmin’ is an online system used by many different clubs.

Membership costs remain the same as they have been for the last 9 years and are considered very reasonable. Family discount is still included. The rates are above.

Click Here to go to LoveAdmin

Use of LoveAdmin System

To use the System, you will need to create a log in to the LoveAdmin system (via the link above) with your email address and password of your choice.

The Initial Screen you will be taken to will show the following options as ‘Products’: –

  • Sessions
  • Memberships
  • England Athletics Affiliation

You will be asked to select the appropriate Membership Option for you/your family and then enter your basic membership details (name, contact details, age, address, any medical issues, emergency contacts) as the main customer and it will be up to you to keep these up to date.  You will also be asked during the process to agree to various club ‘Codes of Conduct’ – called consents.

At the end of the ‘Membership’ process you will see a summary of the details you have entered and a draft invoice which you can click to see and check.  You will then be taken through the payment process using PayPal (or PayPal Guest) where you can enter your bank or credit card details.

Single Athlete Membership –  (Adult, Junior U18/Full time student U21, Associate)

It is quite straightforward to buy an individual membership and then pay online via PayPal (or PayPal guest).

Family Membership of more than one athlete –  (1 adult & children, 2 adults & children, family of children)

If purchasing a family membership and to obtain the appropriate family discounts, you do need to remember to add all your running family within the one ‘Membership’ product application.  As you add other family members it will ask for their details and you will end up with the whole family’s details in the end basket. Initially the costs per athlete will show at the adult rate of £10 per annum, however, the family discounts will be deducted and show at the end of the process.

Optional EA Affiliation

You will see in the BBH virtual ‘shop’ that England Athletics Affiliation is available as a standalone item. It will ask you if you do/do not want to be EA affiliated.


If you have any questions or issues, please contact the club membership secretary on